1. Why Should I Hire A Search Firm Instead Of Letting HR Fill The Position?

The first question most of my clients ask is: “Do I hire a search firm or do I let my HR Department do it?” That’s a great question to contemplate, and I have to ask: Does your HR Department have the resources, time and energy, or are they more consumed with benefits, OSHA, payroll tax, etc.?

At the end of the day, the HR Department doesn’t have the personal relationships with your prime potential candidates. Their network is limited. They’re on job boards, social media, or importing resumes through some sort of advertisement.

Resumes don’t get results. People do, and you have to know them.

Another very important factor to consider is a sense of urgency. Open positions cost thousands of dollars and millions. At the end of the day, where is your priority and is it aligned with your HR Department? HR Department cannot call on your competitors and source your best competitors.

Last, but not least, HR Department has, as we discussed, a lot of responsibilities and priorities. The question to ask yourself: “Are they aligned with yours?”

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