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It’s important to learn to say no in life so you are actually living peacefully and not living in resentment and stress. Saying no will help make sure that your schedule isn’t jam-packed with never-ending events and that you have free time for yourself. It will help ensure that you’re able to hit your deadlines and aren’t left working ridiculous hours.
Work on Your Time Management Skills
Don’t be afraid to say no to something that isn’t going to be the best use of your time. It might be slightly awkward to say no to something that isn’t going to align with your needs or time, but that feeling will go away. This isn’t to say you should never help anyone, but your time is valuable and you get to decide was takes it up.
Write a Detailed Task List
If you were to look at a normal to-do list, you would probably find that there is more on it than you could get done easily in one day. If you are adding others work to your list, then chances are that you will push your personal tasks to the back burner. The only way to avoid this problem is to start prioritizing your own tasks and saying no to others.
Just because you have said yes to something in the past is no a reason to say yes now. If you are constantly getting asked to do tasks that are not part of your job, there should be no guilt for saying no. Breaking this cycle might take some time, but once you perfect how you want it to sound, it will be easy.
Give Realistic Timeframes
You will find that sometimes you are asked to do things that are part of your job, but the deadlines are causing an issue. Saying no to an unreasonable schedule should be done in a professional manner. Your workplace might have different expectations than others, so don’t say no to something that is expected of you.
For those of you who have open communication with your bosses should discuss difficult deadlines. Let them know what you are currently working on and discuss which projects have priority. Just asking for an extra day or two can significantly help with the quality of work you put in.
Confidently Communicate Your Expectations
When you first start telling others no it might not be easy, but it will be worth it. Make sure you are communicating with confidence and not being overly apologetic. Communicate what you need to get across and then move on with the tasks that are part of your job.
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