Rehire Former Employees: Invest In What Matters

All businesses are still regaining their grounds after the past almost 2 years of Covid-19. Whether you could remain open or had to close, there were still hardships through the process. Some of your employees had to be let go, some had to work remotely, and others did their best to work through the madness. Now that things are opening back up and starting to look up, the positions you had to put on hold can now be filled again. Where do you start?

Ready To Hire More Employees?
Are you ready to hire employees to fill the spots that were let go during the pandemic? Not only is it stressful to hire new employees, but it is also a gambling game. There are some things that you should consider before hiring someone new.

When you hire a new employee, there is a lot that you need to think about. Not only is it going to cost you money in time and training, but you also don’t know how it is all going to work out. It is a trial period of observing their work ethic. It will cost you on average $40,000 or more in recruit money to replace a high-earning employee.

What About Previous Employees?
Did you have a good work crew that kept business flowing before shut down? Why change things up? Many of the employees you let go have had to find new means of making money. They may have a new job, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t want to come back given a chance.

During the pandemic, work situations were complicated and slim. Several people took significant pay cuts with new jobs that they found, but they needed an income. If your previous employee was a hard worker that you would want back, call them. Not only are you going to get an employee you know has a good work ethic, but you are saving your company thousands of dollars.

Where To Start?
When you are getting ready to fill needed positions within your company, review precious employees first. Whether they were let go due to the pandemic or left due to personal or medical reasons. People recover, and schedules change.

If they were a valuable asset to your company, call them and make that known. Not only are you financially protecting your business, but you are getting an employee that you value and respect. Everyone, including the rehired employee, need financial security. This past year and a half have abruptly made everyone a little more conscious about their futures.

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