Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts

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Job seekers often wonder what is really acceptable and unacceptable when it comes to the interview process. There are so many ideas, suggestions and helps to read.

The basic job interview Do’s and Don’ts can be quite simply summed up into 10 Do’s and 10 Don’ts.

You’ll do great if you adhere to the following:

10 Do’s for Job Seekers:
1.  Do the basics of a firm handshake, making eye contact and be on time.
2.  Do show excitement and enthusiasm in regards to the company.
3.  Do pause and think before you give a flip answer.
4.  Do get their business card and send a follow up thank you card or email.
5.  Do ask questions for further clarification.
6.  Do research the company in advance and bring out the info that you learned during the interview.
7.  Do emphasize your strengths and provide examples.
8.  Do have a list of questions you’d like to ask prepared in advance.
9.  Do bring pen and paper to take notes which will show thoroughness about you.
10. Do close the interview with wording that ensures you’re interested in the position.

10 Don’ts for Job Seekers:
1.  Don’t fidget in your seat.
2.  Don’t tell dramatic, long-winded stories.
3.  Don’t be dishonest in any way.
4.  Don’t forget to turn your cellphone off.
5.  Don’t over exaggerate your capabilities.
6.  Don’t bring up controversial topics or situations.
7.  Don’t bring anyone with you to the interview. (Like a friend or family member)
8.  Don’t say that you don’t have any questions. Engage with the interviewer.
9.  Don’t chew gum or mints.
10.  Don’t assume you know everything about the company.

Job seekers, if you’ll follow these tips then you’ll stand out over your competition. While some of these seem basic, they are often overlooked. Trust me, they don’t go unnoticed by the interviewer.

Be mindful of these Do’s and Don’ts and your interview will be a success.

We would love to hear how you are using video interviewing for your business.

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