Job interview blunders

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The job search is important and should not be taken lightly. I’ve interviewed countless times over the years and I wanted to share some blunders that one would think surely didn’t happen. Oh but they did….

Here are several job interview blunders that you should avoid

Gum or Candy
We all know we should not chew gum or candy while interviewing, right? I wish! I am amazed at how many interviewees forget to toss out their gum on the way into an interview.

Here is my worst case story:
I met someone at a Starbucks to interview them. The job seeker shook my hand, smiled and her tongue and mouth were bright blue. She must have seen my shock and quickly explained that she’d eaten a blue piece of gum on the way to the interview. Needless to say, I was not impressed and she was not hired that day.

Personal Grooming
Be sure that you are ready for your interview when you walk in the door. Your hair, makeup and clothes should be adjusted appropriately and you should be 100% ready.

How about this horror story:
One time, I had a pleasant woman in my office that was handling all the questions I threw out at her very well. I felt like the interview went “south” when she began to suddenly rummage in her purse and pulled out a lipstick/lipbalm. While that was odd and unnecessary, she then began to apply it in front of me as she was speaking. Good grief!

Cellphone Usage
Cellphones are distracting. They tend to make noise even when they are on vibrate. Think silent mode… We are so attached to our phones but this should not be the case during an interview. (Maybe leave it in the car?)

One last disturbing story:
As the interviewer, I was quite impressed with my new potential employee during an interview. Our time together took a turn for the worst when he answered his phone in front of me. REALLY?! I was in shock. He explained that he needed to take it, didn’t ask if it was ok and answered by the second ring. I wonder how focused he would be on his job if he couldn’t let his phone go for an hour long interview!

I’m not kidding with these stories! They are real life instances where I hired or uh…didn’t hire potential candidates because of their job interview blunders. Don’t fall into these categories and beware as you hire because it doesn’t get much better than the interview!

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