Is it Ever Appropriate to Bring Your Personal Life to Work_ We Say ‘Yes’!

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Most of us spend a lot of time at work. In fact, 40% of Americans work more than 50 hours a week. Spending that much time at work makes it harder to keep your personal life separate from your work life. You get to know your coworkers. It becomes obvious when someone is having a bad day.

The Ups and Downs of Normal Life
Most people feel a need to hide their personal problems from others. We don’t want others to know our personal lives are falling apart, or that we don’t have everything under control. Others seem to keep it together, so why can’t we?

It is normal for us to want to cover our problems so we don’t appear weak, vulnerable or unable to manage our own problems. We try compartmentalizing our lives but it becomes more and more difficult. Keeping personal problems to ourselves prevents us from being our true self.

Being Your True Self
The majority of people have a friend or family member they discuss their private life with. You need to find a good mentor. Mentors can help with work-related problems or when your personal life is affecting your work life. This is especially true for executives and higher level jobs where they may feel isolated.

Trying to be someone you’re not simply doesn’t work. People can sense when you’re trying to hide who you really are. Being your true self gives you confidence. When you are authentic others know you can be trusted. When others have confidence in you they feel secure and can go forward with enthusiasm and confidence.

Finding Trustworthy People
What is the main reason people are reluctant to share personal problems at work? Confidentiality. Who can you trust with the most personal parts of your life? Many companies provide professional help for employees going through difficult times. A professional can help you when you’re struggling and return to being productive.

It is good to have a few healthy relationships with people you can trust with your personal problems. Being a part of a clique at work is never healthy. Business problems should always be discussed in management teams. Discussing business problems with others makes you untrustworthy with information.

Trying to hide your personal life is never realistic when you are spending so much time at work. There is a fine line to walk. Be your true self. Talk to professional or trustworthy people and you’ll be a winner every time.

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