Inner Game of Leadership

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Leaders that want to be dynamic, successful and effective must develop their inner game of leadership. Tim Gallwey created this term in The Inner Game of Golf, The Inner Game of Tennis and The Inner Game of Work.

Qualities such as vision, courage, passion, wisdom, intuition and the like are what make up one’s inner game of leadership. In order to address this area and grow, one must have a leadership coach.

Three reasons to consider a leadership coach to improve your inner game include:

1. We are limited.
As a leader, someone only has their own limited mindset and experiences to pull from. A coach is able to change up our thinking and help us improve our inner game. People fear failure and a coach will go alongside them to encourage, build up and critique as needed.

2. Leaders become more effective.
Leaders that receive leadership coaching are able to see a large percentage of return on investment. They are able to observe behavior without criticism and realize that change is possible.

3. A leadership coach helps us observe nonjudgmentally.
Gallwey’s books talk about the fact that we all have a Self 1 (the big ego) and Self 2 (the wise one). A leadership coach helps their client’s inner game by seeing to it that they’ll learn how to observe nonjudgmentally.

Self 1 isn’t trusting and is more fearful. Self 2 is the real person with potential and the desire to enjoy life. When leaders act from Self 2 then they are more receptive and unbiased to those around, which is important in leadership. A coach is able to encourage leaders to act more from Self 2.

In order to expand your inner game, be sure to set goals with your coach. You need to know what you are working towards in order to pull off your action plan.

After you accomplish your plan and goals, you’ll want to regroup with your coach in order to measure your changes and provide the highest amount of growth possible when it comes to your inner game.

Dynamic and successful leaders focus not only on their outer competencies but their inner game too. A leadership coach is extremely helpful to growing as an effective leader.

If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current team building, performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us today!

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