How To Make Learning Apart Of Your Company Culture

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We no longer operate in a static work environment. The world surrounding us is changing every day and so are businesses. The businesses that change with the world are the ones that survive. This is why learning should be engrained in your company’s culture. Here are some ways you can successfully make learning a part of your company’s culture.

Lead By Example

Cultural changes are spearheaded by those at the top. Leaders must inspire and encourage others within their organizations to pursue learning. In order to do that, leaders must fully embrace learning themselves.

The most successful leaders lead by examples and it’s no different with learning initiatives. Your colleagues should be able to follow you on your daily learning journey, picking up valuable lessons along the way. Those in your organization will be inspired by how much you value learning.

Build an Environment of Continued Learning

While it’s important to build a culture of learning, you want to be sure that it’s not a one and done type of thing. You don’t want your colleagues to learn about one subject and then go back to life as normal. You want to build an environment that encourages people to build on the things they’ve learned and to continue learning.

Your number one goal should be to build a democratic learning environment. Anyone who wants to learn should have that opportunity, every day. This means providing them with the resources they need to build skills that will help them throughout their careers.

Create a Learning Network

While great leaders lead by example, they can’t be the only person dedicated to learning. In order for a learning environment to succeed, there must be a network of like-minded ambassadors at every level. These ambassadors can be found at every level and can inspire and encourage their co-workers.

Strive to reach the point where you expect your employees to seek out learning experiences on a daily basis. Strive to reach the point where learning becomes so engrained in your companies culture that it almost happens completely unnoticed. By building a foundation of learning from the ground-up, your company can be full of like-minded learners.

Emphasizing the importance of learning in the workplace will help your company tenfold. Learning inspires growth and innovation. As a leader, do everything that you can to implement a culture of learning.

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