How CEOs Handle Their Power

Emotional Intelligence

CEOs typically put in countless hours to prepare for this important company role. They tend to learn how to be a leader during their stay in middle management. Often, these managers make mistakes such as being overbearing, micromanaging, and forgetting to invest in people on occasion.

Over time, they learned what they did well and what they could have done better. They figured out how to read people, support their team, detect signs of rebellion, and what motivates their staff. While these were all helpful aspects of learning how to manage others, it did not completely prepare them to be a CEO.

The Power Struggle
Newfound power can cause issues both for a team and a new CEO. For one, a CEO may not realize how blind they can be with staff relationships. There are two necessary emotional competencies to have in order for them to handle power and their team effectively.

CEOs need:

Power is known to corrupt even the wisest individual. Also, people treat you differently when you are in a powerful position. CEOs must take time for their own self-analysis. Are you leading your team empathetically and in a way that will motivate them to succeed? If not, then you may deal with scenarios where you and your team could be blinded by your power.

Questions to Consider
Future CEOs can be prepared to handle power at work. They must focus on their own professional and personal growth in order to be a great leader. In other words, you have to understand and know yourself through and through.

Consider the following:
·How do you feel about power? Do you respond to authority respectfully?
·Do you feel like you are harsh with people when they don’t meet your expectations?
·How do you feel when you fall short? What about when other people do?
·Is there something more important than power?
·Do you turn inward or lash out at others when you make a mistake?
·How essential is workplace happiness?

A prospective CEO’s answers will show what they really hold valuable in life and will determine how they handle power with their team.

Over the last several decades, leaders began to accept that emotional intelligence is necessary to succeed. CEOs have the responsibility of others in their hands. They are able to help and shape their team’s careers and invest in their livelihoods. The role is powerful and can be used to benefit both a company and its employees.

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