Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer?
Depending on how long you have been in business, it can seem that the talent is getting younger and younger every year. The generational gaps we experience are not just in social environments, but are truly felt in the workplace as well. So, how do we help these young professionals develop the right mindset that will help our businesses grow?
Develop Emotional Intelligence
Many people that are entering the marketplace do not believe that social skills are necessary. In fact, somewhere around 69% of those that enter the workforce believe that people skills can actually get in the way of doing their job well. It is not surprising that these people also believe that their technical skills are far more valuable than their people skills.
It is very important that young talent is taught the soft skills they need to ensure that a team works together smoothly. Those that are emotionally unintelligent are more likely to:
- Struggle to collaborate with their team
- Be inflexible or unadaptable to different situations
- Have little ability to interact with those that are not the same personality as they are
- Unable to reason when stressed
- Not able to communicate well
As a business owner, you need to help your new hires develop in their emotional intelligence. For a workplace that flows well, it is essential that these soft skills are cultivated.
Teach Time Management
In a culture where everything is immediate, it is hard for any of us to keep from becoming distracted. When our employees lack time management skills, then it affects the productivity of the entire business. You want to give your employees the best chances of getting as much done each day as possible.
Put into place things they can do that will help them to manage their time better. Help your employees understand the order of priorities each day. This is not to say that you need to micromanage them, but give some guidelines.
Make Feedback a Priority
Everyone in the company needs the ability to provide feedback. This goes from employee to employee and up the line. Managers need to be able to provide feedback about performance & employees need to share their difficulties and other concerns.
In your business, it is to your advantage to ensure that your young talent is given the best chances to become the professionals you need them to be.
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JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772