Happy Leaders Are Great Leaders

Covid-19 hit the workforce hard and continues to cause havoc in the business world. It changed so many different aspects of how the business world ran. People who were used to going into the office every day began working from home. Not only did this create a significant change for people, but it also caused issues of loneliness for a lot of individuals.

How Humor Can Help
Laughter is an integral part of keeping our bodies healthy. Yes, you read that right; we need laughter in our lives to be better people. The reason why is the hormones that are released in our brains when we laugh. Such as:

  • Dopamine
  • Lowered Cortisol
  • Oxytocin
  • Endorphines

Stress is a major struggle for people, and lowered cortisol can help people feel less of the effects. Dopamine gets you in a better mood, and oxytocin lifts are spirits. When humor is in the workplace, you bond together and build a sense of trust in each other. This is harder to do with social distancing, but it can be done over zoom meetings with proper planning.

Benefits of Laughing With Fellow Employees
All work and no play don’t leave for a good work environment. That may sound strange to some people, but it is true. Through the process of humor and laughter, you are building relationships and bonds. It is also supplying other valuable benefits to you, such as:

  • Promotes Creativity
  • More Engaged
  • Better Connections
  • Retain More Information

Why wouldn’t you want to promote these topics within the walls of your company? If your team is not yet back to in-person or has decided to continue remotely, make a point to schedule team-building zoom calls. It is a small act to create better interactions between employees.

Better Connections Result In Better Work
When the people within your company can share humor together, they will begin to work more efficiently. The work environment will be less stressful and more relaxed. There is more to laughter and humor than having fun. It is needed to promote better leadership within the company and to improve the levels of communication.

The work ethics will improve, the business will flow better, and employees will be much happier. Remote working may be great for some people, and for others, it might leave them lonely and depressed. Laughter and humor are essential in many aspects of your life.

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