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When God Chooses a Leader
(Exodus 2:11–4:20)

Moses provides a wonderful case study on how God calls a leader out of a crowd to perform an assignment.

1. God gives the leader an emotional investment in the work.
Moses “bought into” the idea of freeing the Hebrews from bondage even before God called him to the task.

2. God affirms the leader through others.
When Moses told Jethro about his encounter at the burning bush, his father-in-law affirmed him.

3. God gives the leader mentors.
Moses asked for and received help from Jethro, Aaron, and others.

4. God builds on the leader’s strengths, experiences, and background.
God used everything in Moses’ background to help him fulfill his calling: the fine education he received in Egypt; his knowledge of Pharaoh; his understanding of Egypt; and his time in the wilderness.

5. God often refines the leader’s character in obscurity.
Moses received a 40-year “seminary education” in the desert.

6. God instills in the leader the value of hard work.
Moses may not have worked much in the Egyptian palace, but he learned its worth in the desert!

7. God sustains that leader with a powerful vision.
Moses caught the vision of the Promised Land long before the Hebrew slaves did.

8. God brings others alongside the leader to compensate for their weaknesses.
Moses enjoyed the help of Aaron as spokesman, Joshua as general, and Hur as battle supporter.

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