Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer?
We have all heard about the benefits of team building. We have also heard executives talk about their successful team building results:
Improved morale
Improved efficiencies
Improved commitment
Improved communication
Improved collaboration
Improved leadership skills
Improved motivation
Improved bottom line
If team building is so successful to the overall growth of a company and its employees, why are not all companies engaged in team building?
Some reasons companies do not invest in team building are:
They tried it before and it did not work
Did not have buy in from the team
No clear goals or objectives
Lack of commitment from the top
Too many games and not enough focus
Failure to communicate
Used only as an entertainment activity and not a sensible purpose
In order for team building to be successful, companies must have clear objectives. If your objective is to have fun playing together, than let everyone know that is the goal. If your objective is to decrease turnover, than communicate that to the team. If the objective is to become the employer of choice, than make that the goal of the team building process.
Here are some tips to make your team building program a success.
Clarify your objectives & goals – Identify potential improvement areas for the team to work on together. They must be SMART and tied back to the company goals.
S – specific
M – measureable
A – attainable
R – realistically high
T – time bound / trackable
Decrease turnover by 15%
Improve customer satisfaction by 10%
Increase sales by 7%
Decrease waste by 20%
Planning for team building – Once your objectives and goals are clear, it is important to determine:
How many participants are needed
What positions / levels need to be involved
Where will the team building be held (on-site / off-site / combination)
What resources are needed (meeting rooms, printers, internet access, profiles, assessments, organization climate survey, etc…)
When will it begin
Set a realistic time frame
Have a team building budget
Understand the individuals involved including their strengths & weaknesses – have a clear understanding of the behaviors & values of each team member. This will help utilize each person’s strengths and improve his or her weaknesses.
Have an implementation strategy – create the implementation strategy and be sure your strategy includes regular follow up’s and recognition of accomplishment. When your team reaches important milestones or achieves the objectives, it is time to celebrate and recognize the success.
Other things to consider but are not essential:
Outings, outdoor activities, entertainment, off-site sessions, recreational team challenges, overnight accommodations, free time, etc…
Team building can be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved and can help bring the company closer to achieving their goals. A dedicated team will help a company be more successful and profitable as well as create a positive work environment. Planning is the key to success in order to avoid it as a “waste of time” for those involved.
If you need help finding your next STAR performer,
contact us and ask about our ONE YEAR GUARANTEE!
JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772