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Samuel and the Importance of Clear Communication
1 Samuel (10:3–12:25)

DR. J. ROBERT CLINTON did a formal study of Christian leaders and discovered that, without exception, all of them possessed word gifts: teaching, prophecy, evangelism, preaching, words of knowledge or wisdom, exhortation, etc. More than anything else, they used their gifts of communication to lead their people.

Peter Drucker, the father of American management, believes that 60 percent of all management problems result from faulty communication. Having a message doesn’t matter if leaders don’t communicate clearly and motivate others.

It is amazing how God wired us. We can listen to a leader flap his gums for 30 minutes, flinging thoughts and ideas about the room. He just talks, opens his mouth to make a few sounds—and yet we want to get up and pursue those ideas.

This is the power of communication. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

During his day, Samuel was Mr. Communication. Everyone listened to him. What kind of communicator was he? Look at the following examples:
1. He spoke words of revelation (7:3). His communication contained divine revelation, insights the people lacked.
2. He spoke words of inspiration (10:3–6). His communication inspired Saul to overcome his fears and step out.
3. He spoke words of exhortation (10:24). His communication encouraged the people to act and follow Saul as their new king.
4. He spoke words of affirmation (10:24). His communication affirmed, supported, and endorsed Saul publicly.
5. He spoke words of information (10:25). His communication overflowed with good content, edifying, and teaching others.
6. He spoke words of declaration (12:20–25). His communication gave clear direction to the people and hope for their future.

How Did He Do It? Each time Samuel spoke, he followed the rules below:
1. Simplify the message. He spoke forthrightly, clearly, and simply. No one wondered what he meant.
2. See the person. He always empathized with others. He knew his audience.
3. Show the truth. He demonstrated credibility with his passion and his life. He lived what he said.
4. Seek the response. He always spoke with a purpose. When finished, he urged the people to obey God.

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