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Have you been wondering if your business is ready for the cloud? Many companies have asked the question but are not quite ready to take that leap. Honestly, the nature of your business is what may dictate how ready you are for cloud computing.
To quickly define, cloud computing is a service that delivers and stores data for you. The cloud is not a product like software that you install but rather gives you remote access. Businesses are increasingly moving toward the cloud because it enables data to be stored on external servers that can be accessed by a network, device and even an app.
5 Benefits of Cloud Computing
There are many benefits that go along with moving to the cloud. Businesses have found that it can save money, is easy to maintain and has recovery options.
1. Work from Anywhere
Cloud computing makes telecommuting possible and this is a benefit for employees. Employers are able to hire top talent without needing them to move to the area. Employees can live and work from anywhere.
2. More Competitive
Smaller businesses are able to keep up with larger ones in the form of competitiveness.
3. Flexibility
Cloud computing gives companies flexibility when it comes to employees and costs. They can choose to increase or decrease employee count and that will change the costs too.
4. Disaster Recovery
If you have a thorough backup, then your business can have continued access in a short time despite a disaster. Cloud computing is an outside the norm approach that helps with continuity and compliance.
5. IT Workload
When businesses cut costs, the IT department often takes a hard hit. Cloud computing eliminates more than half of the money and time required from an IT department while making your business run more efficiently.
Citrix Hosted Desktops
Cloud computing can be quite supportive for businesses that have access to Citrix hosted desktops. Citrix provides secure and remote access. A few benefits include:
Desktops-as-a-Service (DaaS)
Citrix Service Provider based (DaaS) provides hosted desktops to securely send email and other applications over the web. The best part is that there is no software for IT to have to maintain or update. Your business will enjoy the technical support option that comes from the service provider for even greater convenience.
Citrix is an industry leader
Hands down, Citrix is the leader for desktop virtualization. They provide an assortment of technologies for just about any business. Citrix securely delivers secure and remote access to desktops and apps from every type of device.
Virtual Workspace
Hosted virtual workspaces and desktops have the exact same options of a normal computer but with a new and improved way to access them. Further, you can connect from any device no matter your location. A few additional benefits include:
• The majority of the daily IT tasks are eliminated.
• You’ll have disaster recovery capabilities.
• Financially, you will save money and you can even handle your IT spending more efficiently.
• The need to own and maintain software and other equipment becomes less.
• Your business could potentially reduce administrative costs by 50% or more.
When you ask yourself if you are ready for cloud computing then consider the expansion of your workspace and the ease of the cloud. Citrix is a great option and would be an immensely beneficial to your business. You’ll be able to save money and enjoy a newfound convenience with the cloud.
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(209) 532-7772