Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer?
There is not a business out there that doesn’t have some amount of trouble with hiring on the right staff. This is a common problem for any and all industries. Even if there are a fair number of skilled individuals in your industry, this does not mean all are a good fit for your business.
What is Most Important When It Comes to Hiring Someone?
Many companies are getting away from hiring simply on the basis of skills and knowledge. In fact, a lot of businesses have chosen to hire based solely on these types of criteria:
● Chemistry with the existing team
● Moldable and trainable
● The right attitude
● Passionate about the company
Many CEO’s and managers have decided that if they get the right type of person in, they can train them to do the job. There are a lot of advantages from training your staff from the ground up.
Spend Time Consciously Developing People
Regardless of the criteria you use to hire on a new employee, you must spend a fair amount of time investing in them. If you want team members that will stay loyal and be productive, then you need to focus on these areas:
● Hire the right candidates
● Implement proper training
● Give incentives for growth
● Offer benefits
Even if you hire on the best candidates, you must groom them for the job. It is essential that you develop programs that help your staff to understand what is expected from them.
Work Towards Better Employee Buy In
One of the best ways to get staff to stay on with you for a long period of time is to have a great employee buy in.
Here are the areas you need to focus on for better buy in:
● Define a clear vision for the company
● Educate team members about the vision
● Empower staff to make necessary decisions to improve customer service
● Develop a feedback loop
● Train & develop based on individual needs
Hiring and training employees is very important to the growth and success of your business. This is an area where you need to take the time necessary to help them. Everyone needs to be on board with the programs and procedures set up for handling staff.
If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current team building, performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us today!
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JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772