Career Development Needs To Be A Top Priority!

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Employers should make it a top priority in getting their employees the job training they need. All employees benefit from conferences, refresher courses, and other educational venues. This allows both the employer to have more competent employees and employees to have the confidence to do the job. Job training and career advancement programs will give employees a goal to reach for. There may be a lot of untapped talent that is going unnoticed. When people become complacent, more complaints tend to happen.

Employer Benefits:
When employees have a chance to attend a conference or extra training event, renewed excitement will overtake them about what they do. Performance levels will soar as employees will work harder and more proficiently. They will also have the ability to breed a hard working attitude amongst other staff. A boost in overall moral will be noted for employees that have been given the chance to increase their knowledge.

Employee Benefits:
Employees stand so much to gain from career advancements. Greater amounts of confidence will help them to function at their potential. When employees receive the proper additional training to do a task, they feel more ready to handle it. These employees will feel they have the ability to help other employees that may be struggling with job performance. They will be more likely to take on leadership roles and/or additional tasks. Their ability to stand out above the crowd of other employees will give them the motivation to do more. Furthering their education and career development will help them add to their resume, thus building confidence levels.

Employer Strategy Do’s and Don’t’s:
Encouraging an employee for career advancement may not turn out the way the employer envisioned. Here are some things to keep in mind when pitching these ideas:

  • Do be positive- Give the employee the positive reasons for choosing the career advancement opportunities being offered.
  • Don’t push- Ultimately, the decision to accept the opportunities for advancement are up to the employee, pushing may make them resent the idea.
  • Do be clear- Explain exactly what long term goals the employer has for the employee.
  • Don’t promise- If the employer doesn’t have the authority to grant the advancement of the employee, they should not lead the employee to believe that they do. Instead, they should explain how the process will work and their hopeful outcome.

At the end of the day, it is everyone’s job to make sure that open communication is happening between employers and employees. Both parties have to be willing to share concerns and suggestions.

If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current team building, performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us today!

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