How to Attract More Recruiters to Your LinkedIn Profile

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Most professionals and job seekers are already on LinkedIn. The question to be considered is whether or not your profile is worthy of note and appealing to the kinds of companies that you’d want to join.

Ever wonder how you could attract more recruiters to your profile? There are many best practices to consider but candidates must try to stand out because the competition is steep out there.

Consider these five ways to enhance your LinkedIn profile and finally land that job of your dreams.

1. Keywords are Essential
You want to search up well when recruiters are on the lookout. Be innovative with your words and don’t just list your job title like “Marketing Director.” Instead, you should list off several keywords such as Brand Strategist, Content Marketing, Email Marketing Guru. You’ll hit more keywords by being extra descriptive.

2. Keep it Current
Recruiters want to look at current info in your profile. Don’t make the mistake of not keeping your employment and personal information updated.
Also, as you take on new projects or roles, be sure to add the details into your profile. While keeping it current, you are able to tweak and fine tune so that it gives a fresh perspective of you and in the best light.

3. Stretch Your Network
Try not to think of LinkedIn as a spot to network with only people that you like. Start connecting with everyone you possibly can because you never know who they may know.
Expanding your network is a great way to attract recruiters. The more 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections that you have, the more frequently you will search up by a recruiter. Networking is the name of the game.

4. Optimal Job Descriptions
Often job titles are unclear and don’t give an accurate depiction of the roles and responsibilities of an employee. In order to attract recruiters, job seekers should optimize their job description. Think about the job you want and the company you want to work for and then use keywords that will entice the attention of a recruiter.

5. A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words
Your profile should have a professionally taken photo of you. Recruiters will consider the appearance and effort that is put forth by the type of picture you select to represent you. Be sure to make a good first impression.

Also, make sure you keep your LinkedIn information current, professional and optimized with keywords. Follow these best practices and you’ll attract more recruiters to your profile.

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