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The Coronavirus has created dramatic changes in our personal and professional lives. Currently, more countries and states are “opening up” and it begs the question – And then what? Are we all resilient enough, flexible enough, creative enough, to reimagine the way we do business and then create a new business model, a new mindset and new assumptions?

We will be sending you a series of articles over these next few weeks to explore what we may be able to create in our post-pandemic future in our personal and professional lives. This is the second of our four-part series.


As people everywhere look forward to the reopening and rebuilding professional lives and businesses, we are all wondering how much will change and how much will stay the same. Nobody knows the best way to reopen but we do have a sense that our old business models, mindsets and assumptions may no longer be relevant.

How much resilience does your business have? Is it flexible enough to spring into action upon reopening or will it still be in some state of slumber?

Automobile manufacturers have anticipated reopening by implementing new procedures and environments for worker safety. Clearly business needs resilience to adapt to the new standards for PPE, social distancing, sanitizing and consumer preferences.

The traditional office located in the congested city center with executive offices and assigned cubicles may now be outdated and a waste of space. Resiliency may require reconfiguring office space to incorporate social distancing and easy sanitizing, employees who continue to work remotely indefinitely or creating smaller satellite offices to avoid crowded commutes on public transportation. As commercial leases expire, less expensive and less congested work environments may be attractive for worker safety and for reducing costs.

After experiencing the inability to purchase common household products like toilet paper and disinfectants, some businesses were flexible and quick to modify manufacturing operations and supply chains and begin producing the necessary products. As we brace for the subsequent waves of COVID-19, operational resilience, supply chain resilience, cross-trained workforce resilience and technology resilience – in other words, innovation and flexibility in every aspect seems to be key.

Consumers safety and preferences now include contact-free environments for ordering, payment, curbside delivery and return of products. Environments dependent upon personal interaction have incorporated limitations on the number of customers allowed inside the building and one-way aisles. Consumers shopping preferences have changed and industry leaders have responded with new business models. Perhaps the old mindsets and old assumptions for retailers, grocery and restaurants are now a historical reference.

Are your leaders resilient? If your leaders are stressed and fearful, it could be time to identify new leaders who can model resilient behavior so that your organization is energized and ready to hit the ground running with a solid strategy when reopened? Leaders who quickly embrace change and incorporate new ideas, information and technology into relevant strategies may be the agile leaders needed to calibrate the business for the future.

We have seen throughout history that great leadership and innovation can accelerate success. Leaders can encourage resilience on every level of the organization by sharing what they learn, encouraging discussions, measuring results, and encouraging accountability ensuring everyone is willing to make the mental and physical changes to be energized.

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