Ready to Find Your Next Star Performer?
As a leader, you are in charge of many aspects of the job such as communication, strategies, management and more. But, there’s one area where leaders often fail. Unfortunately, these mistakes cost them great employees.
Employees Want to Feel Appreciated
The simple tip to improve the performance from your team is this – appreciation. They want to hear that you are happy with their performance and results. Of course, this needs to be genuine thanks about their work and what they accomplish.
How to Show Appreciation to Your Employees
If you google performance management, you’ll come up with the 4 basic steps you need to take for a successful performance management cycle. These steps include planning, action, monitoring, and reviewing the employees.
What you likely won’t read, is how you can use these steps to show true appreciation to your team.
The planning or goal- setting phase is a perfect time to sit down with your employee and have a heartfelt conversation with them about how you believe in them. You can easily point to their strengths and qualities that you know will help them with the task. It’s powerful when someone believes in you.
When you get your employees set in motion, you need to be consistent with checking in on them. Many people complain that they only hear from their managers at the start and end of a project. Everyone needs someone on the sidelines cheering them on.
The monitoring phase is not a time to micromanage the employees. Rather, it is a time to give them the ability to reach out to you and share what’s going on. During these conversations, you can take the time to reward their progress. Rewarding along the way helps them push through and keep moving forward.
Once the project is completed, the reviewing phase is a good time to go over how things were handled during the project. You can use this time to assess how well they did during certain parts of the process. Of course, it is also a time to share how they can improve on future projects.
When you realize how important it is to show your employees they are appreciated, it will make a big difference in their satisfaction and retention.
If you need help finding your next STAR performer,
contact us and ask about our ONE YEAR GUARANTEE!
JK Consultants
(209) 532-7772