7 Attributes of a Great Management Hire

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Hiring is not an easy feat. When you try to hire for a manager, the task is even more difficult. The candidate that you select for a management role needs to be passionate, innovative, solution oriented, dynamic and have an exceptional work ethic.

When hiring for a management job you’ll want to look for the following 7 attributes in order to make a great hire.

1. Positive Attitude
Strong leaders have positive attitude that show through in their daily actions. They are able to boost employee morale with their pleasant and upbeat energy. Employees see their can-do attitude as refreshing because nothing looks too difficult or overwhelming with their leadership intact.

2. Cultural Appreciation
These days a strong cultural appreciation will go a long way in the workplace. Employees appreciate management investing in the culture of the business. Most companies have diverse settings and a manager that embraces and encourages the environment is preferred.

3. Accountability
Management must embrace being accountable for their decisions and those of their team. Employees respect them and are more loyal for owning up to their responsibilities and accepting accountability.

4. Honesty is Always Best
Leaders must be honest and transparent at all times in order to be successful. A straightforward management approach fosters better relationships and morale within any team. Be sure to do reference checks on a potential management hire to find out about their character.

5. Sensitivity
A great management hire should have sensitivity and a keen emotional intelligence. They need to be able to recognize what works and does not for their team members. A sensitive manager would know how to handle each employee and act according to their strengths.

6. Plenty of Empathy
Outstanding managers are not only considerate but they know how to be empathetic. They consider how they would feel in any situation that they place their employee in. During an interview, ask your candidate how they would handle personal situation with their team members to help gauge their empathy.

7. Passion for Learning
The best managers have a passion for learning. They have a constant desire to grow and seek out educational opportunities. Your goal should be to find a lifelong learner so that your business will grow and thrive under their leadership.

You won’t regret taking your time as your hire for a management role. Consider these 7 attributes and you’ll make a solid hire that will add value to your team and company.

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