6 Talent Assessment Tools

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Finding your next best employee is not an easy feat these days. Many employers use a variety of tools in order to screen their top candidates. In fact, there are six talent assessment tools that are widely used today.

You’ll want to know a little about each before you choose which works best for your company. See below for a list of these tools ranked from most effective to least effective.

1. Work Samples & Simulations
One of the most tried and true assessment tools to utilize during the hiring process is a work sample or simulation. Employers are able to see firsthand how and what the potential employee can do with a work related project.

Work samples will exemplify how someone handles the roles and tasks within a particular job. Simulations will exemplify how well the candidate can work under pressure.

2. Cognitive Ability & Problem Solving
Cognitive ability tests should be used for multifaceted jobs. If you are hiring for a complex role, then a cognitive ability test will allow you to see how your candidate will handle the position.

If you want to know how a potential employee will handle leadership and embracing the company’s vision, then have them take a problem solving test.

3. Personality Tests
Personality tests will help an employer understand your emotions and behaviors. Is your candidate hot headed, driven or uncompromising? A test will reveal some of these personality traits.

DISC is an example of a common personality test. DISC stands for dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. This popular test produces results that explain how people will interact with others.

4. Structured Interviews
Employers use a structured interview process when they want to see how each potential candidate responds to the same exact questions. This talent assessment is great if you are looking for specific answers.

5. Unstructured Interviews
This type of interview has no real pattern or format. The interviewer asks a variety of questions and they can vary widely between their scheduled interviews.

6. Years of Experience
Some employers require a particular number of years when it comes to experience. Don’t let that concept distract or hold you back from top talent. Experience is helpful but shouldn’t be measured by the number years one has under their belt.

Hopefully these 6 assessment tools will set you on the right track as you hire for any upcoming positions. Feel free to combine several of these for an even deeper analysis of your potential candidate.

If you have any questions about this article, or about how we can help you with your current team building, performance, leadership, strategy, and / or hiring needs, contact us today!

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