3 Practical Tips for Great Bosses Who Are Never in the Office



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As a boss, your busy travel schedule often prevents you from working in the office with your employees. In fact, most bosses spend more than half their working hours away from the office. While it may feel as though you’re struggling to properly run your business, there are some things you can do to make sure you’re being the best boss you can possibly be even away from the office.

Delegate the day-to-day

When your travel schedule keeps you out of the office, the most important thing you need at the ground level is managers you can trust. These people are the single most important thing in making sure everything is running smoothly on a day-to-day basis. Trust these managers with handling the tasks you would normally be handling.

It’s also important to show confidence in the people running things for you. As a boss, we get you may be a perfectionist, but it’s important not to undermine those to whom you delegated. This will be a big hit to their confidence.

Use Remote Tech

Remote tech is becoming more and more commonplace in the working world. Video calls via Skype give you the opportunity to check in with your employees in real-time. Take advantage of this!

You should also take advantage of the real-time reporting tools available to you. These programs allow you to keep tabs on your company no matter where you are. If any red flags pop up while you’re on the road, you can pinpoint and address them.

The Importance of Scheduling

If possible, many CEOs try to reserve their traveling to certain days of the week. This allows them to have concrete times where they’re available at the office. For example, you travel on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays but are available at the office on Mondays and Fridays.

You can use these days at the office to meet with direct reports. Your business will run smoother when your employees know when you will and won’t be in the office. Of course, schedules can be hectic and all over the place at times, but when possible, try to stick to a set in stone schedule.

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