3 Common Work Email Mistakes to Avoid

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Likely it has happened to you at one time or another, you click send on a business email and you immediately regret it. There is no way to get back email correspondence that you sent once it has gone out. It is important for the sake of your job to make sure that you avoid these common mistakes when sending out messages.

Sent to the Wrong Person:
It can be easy to send an email to the wrong person when you are handling multiple responses at the same time. This causes a great deal of confusion to the individuals that receive the email in error. It can also mean that you are giving private information to unauthorized parties. To avoid this mistake, leave the recipient field blank until you have completed the email. When you hit the send button, it will not immediately send your information, instead, you will have to stop and manually input an address. This is a particularly good thing to do when you work in a field where sensitive information is being shared through email communications.

Being Unclear:
When you are addressing information that you have received from someone, not giving a clear response is a common mistake. Often times, you respond to the last thing that was said in the correspondence instead of in the order in which the email was written. When you do this, it is easy to leave out pertinent information that recipient needs to know. Another problem is that you can easily respond to questions and comments without any indication to what you are responding to. It is best to copy and paste sections of the person’s comments or questions and then post your response. You can avoid this problem on the reverse end of things by numbering your paragraphs so that when a person is formulating their response, they can use the same number system to respond to avoid being unclear.

Missing Information:
Often times, a mistake that happens when you are emailing others, is not including all information that is necessary for the recipients. When you leave out information, it brings about confusion to those who received the correspondence and can lead to a failure of accomplishing tasks. To avoid this mistake, it is important to always re-read your emails prior to sending. When you look back over what you have written, you will find grammatical errors as well as unclear phrases and missing information. Another good thing to do is create a document where you write down a bullet list of what things you plan to address in the correspondence.

These are a few email mistakes that are made in the business world. Making sure that you have clear communications with those you work with is vital to the success of your career and business.

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