3 Bad Management Ideas You Should Throw Out Immediately

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Everyone can agree that being in a management position comes with a lot of responsibilities. It can also bring on stress and anxiety. Having a good relationship on a professional level with the employees can help things run more smoothly. People will tend to work harder and more efficiently when they feel heard and valued.

Businesses will hit roadblocks and present with issues when management is run in the wrong way. Sometimes it is hard to find the line between personable and over the top when it comes to being in a management position. Here is a list of some things that you should try to focus on not doing as a manager.

 1.  Always Micro-Managing

It is your job as the manager to keep things on track and make sure jobs are getting done. But, if you spend all day going behind everyone making sure their job is done the way you want it, your employees may feel that you don’t trust them to do their jobs. If your employees feel that they are trusted to do their job and you believe in them will result in them giving you better results on their work.

2.  Bad Communication

Communication is the key in things running smoothly. If someone doesn’t understand the job they are supposed to do, they can’t give it their best effort. Making sure that your employees understand that they can come to you and ask questions if they are confused is vital. Keep an open line of communication, instead of feeling as though they can’t come to you.

It can help if you give positive feedback to them as they are doing their jobs. Such as encouragement when they are doing a good job on something. Even if some correction or change of direction is needed, doing so in a positive way can keep employees encouraged. Some ways to communicate with your employees are:

●        Keep your employees in the loop

●        Give the positive feedback (or negative if needed in a nice way)

●        Make Expectations clear

3.  Lack of Humor

This may seem like a strange one to need for good management. Having a dry sense of humor can leave your employees stressed and uncomfortable when you are in the room. Humor can give the vibe that you are confident, personable, and approachable by people. You want your employees to be comfortable with you.

Stay focused and have fun!

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