10 Ways to Welcome a New Recruit

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A brand new hire joining your team is quite the accomplishment. After countless hours of recruiting, you’ve made it to their start date. It’s time to roll out the red carpet a bit and make them feel welcome.

Don’t miss this important aspect of training your new hire because you want them to stick around, work hard and believe in your company as a whole.

Try to do these 10 things to make their first week exceptional:

1. Think coffee
Coffee is an easy and cheap way to give someone a treat. Go to a local coffee shop and spend some time getting to know them and break the ice a bit.

2. Welcome Email
Make your team and new hire feel comfortable and informed by sending out a welcome email to introduce the new staff member. Be sure to include the newbie’s email and phone extension, encouraging others to reach out and say hello.

3. In Person Intros
Introduce your new hire to management and people they will work directly with that first week. This will alleviate fear and get those relationships started quickly.

4. Socialize
Organize a social event the first week so that your new hire gets to feel a part of the team early. Plus, this gives other employees a break from the mundane and the chance to do something fun together.

5. Tour the Facility
Save time for your new employee and give them a tour of your building so they know where the restroom, break room and social spaces are located.

6. Business Cards
Try to order their business cards and personal stationary in advance. This extra special tough will be seen as thoughtful and be appreciated.

7. Business Update
Your team should give a synopsis on their projects and the overall market situation for your business so that will be able to jump in and have a solid overview about current conditions.

8. Clear Expectations
Give your new hire a clear list of expectations. They want to know the hours they should work, when to go to lunch and who to call if they are sick. Clarity will help a new employee understand what and how you want things done.

9. Daily, Weekly, Monthly Goals
The first week of employment should be a time where you explain the daily, weekly and monthly goals to your new team member. Think of it like a roadmap in order to help them succeed in their role.

10. Recap Meeting
After the first week, meet with your new employee on how it all went. Invite them to do a little Q & A session with you so that they are comfortable and on the right track.

Make your new hire’s first week awesome! You’ve hired well so the next step is to train them right and get them adjusted to their role quickly which benefits everyone.


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